DAAD „Ostpartnerschaften“ a collaborative Georg August Universität Göttingen a TU vo Zvolene
H2020 Project Alternative models and robust decision-making for future forest mangemnent (Alternatívne modely a robustná podpora rozhodovania pre obhospodarovanie lesov v budúcnosti)) ALTERFOR
Project APVV-15-0265 Modelling impacts of climate change on growth of tree species in the Carpathians
7RP (Grant agreement no): 282887 - Future-oriented integrated management of European forest landscapes, INTEGRAL
COST FP 1206 – European mixed forests. Integrating Scientific Knowledge in Sustainable Forest Management (EuMIXFOR)
COST FP 1304 - Towards robust PROjections of European FOrests UNDer climate change (PROFOUND)
COST Action ES1308 - Climate Change Manipulation Experiments in Terrestrial Ecosystems: Networking and Outreach (CliMani)
COST Action FP0804 Forest Management Decision Support System (FORSYS)
COST FP0603 - Forest models for research and decision support in sustainable forest management